Monday, July 03, 2006

never let they punk-ass ever defeat you!
i purchased the newest album by the coup (pick a bigger weapon) and here are the preliminary ideas:
totally sweet! the whole album is what i'd come to expect after stealing a bunch of songs from the internet but only one from the new LP. that song was "my favorite mutiny" which is far and away the best track on the album. this was a small disappointment but only small. its kind of to be expected that frontloading with black thought and talib kweli will only diminish as the album plays out. maybe more guests would have been good. i was foolishly psyched for tom morello's appearance but its pretty disappointing. he only plays on one track and pretty much mails in his guit-scratching solo. of course morello's day job with audioslave would lead one to believe that he pretty much works via the post office anymore.
now i've probably only listened to everything once through and i know this is a poor way to review records (though some suckas seem to feel it is adequate) but i'm just spouting off, which is all i really do here and though it has never put a scrap of gold or schnide in my pocket i say god bless it. i have to say i completely buy (DID BUY) the revolutionary party vibe the coup seem to have perfected. funky drum loops are augmented by soulful backup vox and an array of arp and minimoog synthesizers which, when coupled with boots riley's biting lyrical jabs, create the danceable ghost of an anarcho p-funk party.
sometimes the leftist jokey-ness is a bit much for me (example: a skit followed by a song about ass-breath killers, pills for those who spend too much time kissing ass) but the songs remain invigorated and frankly those who kiss too much ass probably do require some antedote and lord knows i ain't providin' it.
i really like the idea of placing revolutionary politics into a party atmosphere and maybe this is tied to the weakening of my convictions and maybe this type of spouting off will not alter systems or smash states but i think a lot of folks would agree that during the revolution we should be able to "laugh, love, fuck and drink liquor". and the revolution's gonna need folks. i'm really pumped to see the coup on july 19!

july 3 will go down in history. the history of my summer anyway because i commandeered the radio and played classic rock all day. i worked with renewed vigor and i'm the man. maybe it was just the lingering vibes from last night's reunion of the punk jazz which always lifts my spirits.

i got a ticket to see steely dan in august. i'm fuckin pumped for that. i hope they play reelin in the years and also black cow. i understand that this is a little whack as they are way past their prime but its one of those acts i need to see. for the same reason i loved seeing elvis costello i will probably love the aged dan. these are strange high-school obsessions that linger and only intensify.
maybe all my obsessions/preoccupations can be traced back to these formative years. for instance i'm pretty preoccupied with these years and re-examining what occured and how it has played out. is it regressive to be so involved in the past? indulgent when concerned with one's OWN past? i think this is one of those things that's kind of unavoidable but maybe thats just cause i have so much trouble avoiding it. i mean the extent to which one dwells in the past is the issue and is exactly why this is so difficult to objectively analyze.
i often worry that preoccupations just become comfortable repetitions and instead of actually thinking i just spiral around the same buzzwords (buzz around the same spirals...spiwords...twisting spiwards...) and gain nothing. sometimes i think that i dont really gain anything at all but only learn better ways of articulating what i've always "known/believed". a good instance of the regressive or, at best static nature of my thinking is the parentheses around knowledge and belief which i have come to understand as largely subjective and so i give this knowledge grammatical props. but what more do i do with this? what do i ever do with my thoughts? not much
then again what the hell should you do with a thinking mind? write things down sometimes...maybe come up with some good ideas that you do something about... but i also dont like the idea of having such a market based brain. there's a part of me thats always looking for potential products in all that crosses my mind. oh no! capitalism has affected my very way of thinking...deep inside i'm a capitalist...a real bad one, a war-profiteering ENRON blood-sucker... its scary to think about but maybe very true. sometimes i'm very scared by not much more than this. it is my priviledge to strangle up my mind with theoretical political hypotheticals. some people are really scared for good reasons. this is just a good way to feel shitty though and doesn't accomplish much right? good to keep in mind that others are much worse off...
i have the past few days awoken in bad states from bad dreams i dont really recall. its pretty lame to wake up scared or sad, inexplicably and then go to work at a shitty job. a shitty job that doesn't give me enough time off and where i have to listen to shitty music. i'm in a rut and need something to shift. i need to meditate more. or play more punk jazz. what, you may ask, is the difference? i dont know that there is one


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